Comments: 32/68     02.09.2003 23.15  Marginal Art

Дмитрий Вторушин  
Maximum punishment & minimum satisfaction
  Le bon sens est la chose du monde la mieux partagee; car chacun pense en etre si bien pourvu que ceux meme qui sont les plus difficiles a Contenter en toute autre chose n'ont point coutume d'en desirer plus qu'ils en ont. En quoi il n'est pas vraisemblable que tous se trompent: mais plutot cela temoigne que la puissance de bien juger et distinguer le vrai d'avec le faux, qui est proprement ce qu'on nomme le bon sens ou la raison....  
  Comments: 32/00     02.09.2003 23.15  Punish me, please!
Unknown Author, which was born to be an unknown victim  
Untitled article, that leads Unknown Author to nowhere...
  Comments: 00/32     02.09.2003 23.15  Micromegasophilia

Marie Arouet de Voltaire  
  Comments: 32/68     02.09.2003 23.15  Punish me, please

Mongolia uber alles!

   "But that you may not imagine I disapprove of satirical impromptus in the Lucilian vein, I will myself throw my notions on this matter into verse: "He that would be an orator, must strive To follow out the discipline of old, And heed the laws of stern frugality; Not his to haunt the Court with fawning brow, Nor sit a flatterer at great folks' boards; Not his with boon companions o'er the wine To overcloud his brain, nor at the play To sit and clap, agape at actors' tricks.

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